Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

org.axiis.core AbstractLayout is an base class that provides definitions of properties and stubs for methods required by BaseLayout.
org.axiis.layouts.scale An abstract base class that scales can extend.
org.axiis.managers AnchoredDataTipManager will lay out a single data tip at a fixed point.
org.axiis.core AxiisSprites render individual drawingGeometries from layouts.
org.axiis.charts.axis AxisBase is the base class for HAxis and VAxis.
org.axiis.charts.groupingsBarCluster groups a series of bars together vertically and labels them.
org.axiis.charts.groupingsBarStack groups a series of horizontal bars together horizontally and labels them.
org.axiis.core BaseLayout is a data driven layout engine that uses GeometryRepeaters and PropertyModifiers to transform geometries before drawing them to the screen.
org.axiis.utils BooleanExpression provides a convenient place to store the results of boolean calculations used in multiple places within an MXML document.
com.degrafa.geometry CalloutBalloon is the Geometry used to render the default Axiis data tip.
org.axiis.layouts.scale A scale that converts categorical (String) data into layout space.
org.axiis.charts.groupingsColumnCluster groups a series of vertical columns horizontally and labels them.
org.axiis.charts.groupingsColumStack groups a series of vertical columns vertically and labels them.
org.axiis.layoutsThe ConcentricWedgeLayout is a layout with a referenceRepeater that produces concentric Wedges for each item in its dataProvider.
org.axiis.layouts.scale The base class for scales that deal with numerical and date data.
org.axiis DataCanvas manages the placement and the rendering of layouts.
 DataGroup This class is supports the DataSet class for aggregation and grouping operations and should not be instantiated externally
 DataSet DataSet is a data utility class that can be used for pre-proccesing of external data into usable Flex collections that are easy to process within Axiis Layouts.
org.axiis.ui A data tip is a tool tip that appears when the user mouses over an AxiisSprite.
org.axiis.uiThe default background used on data tips.
org.axiis.layouts.scale A scale that can be used to convert Dates to layout space.
org.axiis.managers FreeDataTipManager will lay out a single data tip that follows the cursor as the user moves the mouse.
com.degrafa.geometry A geometry object is a type of Degrafa object that enables rendering to a graphics context.
org.axiis.layouts.utils GeometryRepeater modifies geometries through the use of PropertyModifiers.
org.axiis.utils An all static class containing methods used to create Degrafa geometry.
org.axiis.charts.groupings GroupingBase is the base class for BarCluster, BarStack, ColumnCluster, and ColumnStack, and it contains definitions of properties that these subclasses leverage.
org.axiis.charts.axisHAxis renders values from left to right between a minimum and maximum value, and is intended to be rendered beneath other layouts to provide a point of reference for those visualizations.
org.axiis.layoutsThe HBoxLayout is a layout with a referenceRepeater that produces RegularRectangles for each item in its dataProvider.
org.axiis.charts.labelsA bracket that can be used to denote a group and label items that are laid out horizontally.
org.axiis.charts.axisHCategoryAxis renders values from left to right between a indexed collection of string values and is intended to be rendered beneath other layouts to provide a point of reference for those visualizations.
org.axiis.core An interface for objects that are used to render an item from the Axiis render cycle.
org.axiis.managers IDataTipManagers are responsible for laying out data tips.
org.axiis.layouts.scale IScale is an interface the defines the methods required to translate between a range of values and screen (layout) coordinate space.
org.axiis.paint LayoutPalette will generate an Array of colors based on a Layout.
 LayoutItemEvent LayoutItemEvent is the primary event disptached by BaseLayout when a user interacts with an AxiisSprite contained within the layout events such as MouseOver, MouseOut, MouseClick, selected, unselected etc
org.axiis.paint LayoutPalette will generates an Array of colors for a Layout.
org.axiis.layouts.scale A scale that deals with linear numeric data.
org.axiis.charts.groupingsLine series group renders multiple lines for a series of data points.
org.axiis.layouts.scale A scale that converts logarithmic data to layout space.
org.axiis.utils NumericExpression provides a convenient place to store the results of numeric calculations used in multiple places within an MXML document.
org.axiis.utils This ObjectUtility class is primarily used to extract property values from dynamic objects
org.axiis.charts.groupingsPlotGroup renders circles of varying radii into a cartesian grid without the use of reference geometries.
org.axiis.layouts.utils PropertyModifier is used to specify changes that should occur on a Geometry or related objects as it is being repeated.
org.axiis.layoutsRepeaterLayout fires preRender and itemPreDraw events but does not modify its repeated Geometry, a RegularRectangle spanning the width and height of the Layout.
org.axiis.layouts.scale An all-static class which provides basic linear interpolation methods
org.axiis.states States describe modifications to properties that should occur as a result of an event and provides a mechanicsm to make and undo those changes.
org.axiis.uiThe default data tip content renderer.
org.axiis.utils UntypedExpression provides a convenient place to store the results of calculations used in multiple places within an MXML document.
org.axiis.charts.axisVAxis renders values from bottom to top between a minimum and maximum value, and is intended to be rendered to the left of other layouts to provide a point of reference for those visualizations.
org.axiis.layoutsThe VBoxLayout is a layout with a referenceRepeater that produces RegularRectangles for each item in its dataProvider.
org.axiis.charts.labelsA bracket that can be used to denote a group and label items that are laid out vertically.
com.degrafa.geometry The EllipticalArc element draws an elliptical arc using the specified x, y, width, height, start angle, arc and closure type.
org.axiis.charts.groupingsWedgeStackGroup renders a series of wedges along an arc.