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maintainAspectRatio — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
When true, the size of the layout will always maintain an aspect ratio relative to the ratio of the current width and height properties, even if those properties are not in control of the height and width of the layout.
majorTickLength — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.AxisBase
The length of each major tick mark in pixels.
majorTickSpacing — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.AxisBase
The space between successive major tick marks.
markerColor — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
The color at the center of the markers.
markerGeometry — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.PlotGroup
The geometry rendered at the center of each circle.
markerLength — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.HCategoryAxis
The length in pixels of the label marker (line)
markerSize — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
The diameter in pixels of the markers shown at each data point.
markerStroke — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.HBracket
The stroke used to draw lines of the bracket.
markerStroke — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.VBracket
The stroke used to draw lines of the bracket.
mask — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
A separate geometry object to use as a mask when rendering this geometry.
maskMode — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The mode used when this object is being masked by the geometry assigned to the mask property.
maskSpace — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The coordinate space within which the referenced mask geometry is rendered before being applied as a mask (respecting maskMode) to this object.
maxArc — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.WedgeStackGroup
The maximum arc expressed by the whole WedgeStackGroup.
maxHeight — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The maximum height that can be applied to the layout.
maxLayout — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
The maximum layout position.
maxLayout — Property, interface org.axiis.layouts.scale.IScale
The maximum layout position.
maxValue — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
The maximum value allowed in this scale.
maxValue — Property, interface org.axiis.layouts.scale.IScale
The maximum value allowed in this scale.
maxWidth — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The maximum width that can be applied to the layout.
maxX — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The maximum x location that can be applied to the layout.
maxY — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The maximum y location that can be applied to the layout.
millisecondsPerFrame — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.utils.GeometryRepeater
Determines how many milliseconds repeater will iterate before waiting for the next frame;
minColumnWidth — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.ColumnCluster
The minimum width of each column
minHeight — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The minimum height that can be applied to the layout.
minLayout — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
The minimum layout position.
minLayout — Property, interface org.axiis.layouts.scale.IScale
The minimum layout position.
minorTickLength — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.AxisBase
The length of each minor tick mark in pixels.
minValue — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
The minimum value allowed in this scale.
minValue — Property, interface org.axiis.layouts.scale.IScale
The minimum value allowed in this scale.
minWidth — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The minimum width that can be applied to the layout.
minX — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The minimum x location that can be applied to the layout.
minY — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
The minimum y location that can be applied to the layout.
mode — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
The layout mode used to render the lines.
MODE_BASELINE — Constant Static Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
A flag indicating that lines should be rendered in the traditional line chart manner.
MODE_STACK_FLOW — Constant Static Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
A flag indicating that lines should be rendered using a flow layout.
MODE_STACK_ZERO — Constant Static Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
A flag indicating that lines should be rendered stacked on top of one another.
modifier — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.utils.PropertyModifier
The modification to apply to the property each time apply is called.
modifierOperator — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.utils.PropertyModifier
How to apply the modifier for each iteration.
modifiers — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.utils.GeometryRepeater
An array of PropertyModifiers that should be applied with each iteration of the GeometryRepeater.
mouseOverFill — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
The default fill to use for mouse over state.
mouseOverStroke — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
The default stroke to use for mouse over state.
moveTo(x:Number, y:Number, graphics:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class com.degrafa.decorators.axiis.AreaLineDecorator
moveTo(x:Number, y:Number, graphics:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class com.degrafa.decorators.axiis.BaseLineAreaLineDecorator
msPerRenderFrame — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
Determines how long (milliseconds) a layout will spend on a given frame to render X number of datums
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